Sunday, March 9, 2008


This trip has been every bit the disaster and as amusing as expected; however, I don't think I can capture it in words. The best I can do is random snippets of the "conversations". I say "conversations" first because I promised to abuse quotes and second because much of my family's conversations are transmitted in exasperated yells.

Scene 1: Before our first trip to the park, my father decides we should grab a quick lunch. Much like Hawaii became Orlando, quick lunch became McDonalds drive-in and eating in the car. After circling the McDonalds 3 times (no need to exaggerate for effect) we pulled into the drive-through for the following exchange (please note, that despite the humor, none of this exchange was said sarcastically or for intentional humor. Also note that it probably does not translate to written description well):

Red & Yellow box: "Hi welcome to McDonalds, would you like an Extra Value Meal today?"
Big Poppa: "uh, um, what is an extra value meal?"
The Box: "what?"
Bumdiddly B: "huh?"
The Smiling M: "What is your order sir?"
The Man in the Combed-Over Hat: "I'd like a number 4 meal... (20 second pause)"
The Confused Clown: "Thank you, please pull around"
Mommy Dearest: "_____, WHAT ABOUT MY ORDER!"
Exasperated Pops: "________, I'm getting it!"
Eventually the orders are placed and 5 minutes later the value meals come, but the fries are delayed so we can get fresh, which my parents questioned and another lengthy discussion ensued while we blocked the drive-thu. Again, this description can't possibly do the situation justice and may not even read as funny. Oh well.

Btw, we have now been lost 4 times and spent probably 2 hours searching for destinations. God I love family vacations.


Anonymous said...

I am eager for more, especially after the build-up and the promise held in those "traveling pants" on your Mom. Do share!

Anonymous said...

I would like to know what words were left out and replaced with "________" and "________" Please do share!